Travel and sport

If you’re someone who enjoys doing lots of activities during your vacation, don’t forget to consider dummy travel insurance for your next trip. Review the activities against the exclusions listed in your policy to make sure that you understand how your travel insurance policy protects you.
Bike tourism is growing worldwide. Join the trend and plan your next bike-centered adventure in one of these North American cycling or mountain biking destinations. Bike tourism supports local economies and lowers your carbon footprint.
Learn about the cities hosting the world’s biggest athletic events in 2023 including the Tour de France, FIFA 2023 World Cup, Roland Garros and more, and details about what to expect from top athletes.
If you plan on travelling more this year, try making adventure a part of your New Year’s resolutions. Here’s how to fit resolutions like losing weight and more into your travel plans. 
Find out how you can spice up your travel plans by adding triathlons or multisport events to your itinerary as well as learn how travel insurance coverage can take some of the stings out of missing a multisport race.
Going to the Grey Cup this year? Find out all you need to know to maximize your Grey Cup Festival experience. From booking your game tickets, travel and purchasing travel insurance, we have useful information to help you plan a fun and worry-free trip.
Scoring a last minute golf trip means saving money. Learn the ins and outs on how to strike a great deal whether in Canada or even abroad.
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