Whether you are purchasing a single or Multi trip plan for travel insurance policy, you should review your coverage details to see what you are eligible for. Taking the time to do so can also help determine if the coverage is appropriate based on factors such as traveller's age, trip duration, planned activities and current health status. Particular areas to pay attention to include the benefits, eligibility, exclusions and limitations.
Also check if your policy’s benefit amount for emergency medical treatment is sufficient for the destination you are travelling to. In countries such as the United States that have high medical costs for emergency treatment, any policy with lower benefit amounts (ex. $50,000) may not get you very far if you need intensive care or repatriation.
Furthermore, if you opt for non-medical coverage that is available from Trip Cancellation and Interruption insurance, it is important to check if any belongings (i.e. an expensive camera or equipment) you take on a trip may or may not be eligible for coverage if your luggage is lost or stolen. Some policies may cover only up to a certain dollar amount, which could be much less than the value of such items.
If you have questions about any of the coverage offered by Allianz Global Assistance, please call for pre-trip assistance.